Sunday, November 2, 2008

Setting out into the deep in support of the Holy Father

Well, here I go. Casting off and setting out into the deep and very probably stormy seas, together with the Pro Papa League armada, in support of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI. The intention of this blog is the unreserved spiritual support of the Holy Father. This support is given independent of His Holiness's actions and decisions. I see our Holy Father as a great light in the encroaching darkness and I will, by the grace of God, do everything that is within my power to support him.

It worries me greatly that many people seem to consider this sort of spiritual support only when there is a condition of some sort attached to it. I've seen too many suggestions, mainly from those who want the universal return of the TLM, that we pray for the Holy Father in order that he does X, Y and Z, usually in relation to the Motu Proprio. I find this behaviour rather ungrateful. A little like throwing a beautiful gift back in the face of the giver or a little like saying to the gift giver "Is this all you bought me?".

Yes, I do understand the frustration, anger and hurt I have seen from many people regarding the suppression of the TLM by their local dioceses and parishes and the fear of those who have only ever known the Novus Ordo. However, the impatience, divisions and vicious debate that one encounters (from both sides of the spectrum), both on the internet, and elsewhere, leads me to believe that there is something other than the Holy Spirit at work amongst the lay faithful and religious with regard to this matter. This is why I feel that we should all look to the Holy Father as our guide in this matter and stop trying to take matters into our own hands. This goes as much for those intransigents who do everything in their power to prevent the celebration of the TLM in their parishes as it does for those who wish to see the immediate abolition of the Novus Ordo Mass.

There is no doubt in my mind, whatsover, that our Holy Father is fully open to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit and that he will do whatever is necessary for the wellbeing of the Church.

To quote St Josemaria Escriva:

Your deepest love, your greatest esteem, your most heartfelt veneration, your most complete obedience and your warmest affection have also to be shown towards the Vicar of Christ on earth, towards the Pope.We Catholics should consider that after God and the most Blessed Virgin, our Mother, the Holy Father comes next in the hierarchy of love and authority.


Jane said...


Yes, yes and yes again. I think you know that the Oasis springs from the same source as Pro Pontifice Maximo. I am so glad and thankful that your ship is saftely launched and have enjoyed your first two posts imensely. Keep them coming!

God bless,
In Christo pro Papa,

Confiteor said...


Welcome to the Armada! My apologies for all of the distractions on the Flagship during the launch of your blog-ship. (It looks like Captain Jack broke into the rum stash again.)

PPM is a lovely blog-ship and very fit for purpose. I'll add a link to it on the Flagship -- which has undergone some major renovations in the past 12 hours ... all for the better, I hope.

umblepie said...

Good post. Thank you.

Fiona said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words. Still getting my sea legs though, as you can see. Will hopefully get the complete hang of it soon.