Today is the feast of the dedication of the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome. This morning, our priest, Father Thomas, focused the first part of his homily on this feast and highlighted the fact that the Basilica is the cathedral of Rome and the official seat of the Bishop of Rome, the Holy Father. He also emphasized the importance of listening to and allowing ourselves to be guided by the Holy Father and the Magisterium.
This basilica is the oldest of the basilicas in Rome, having been dedicated by Pope Sylvester I in 324. It is only when the age of the original basilica is brought to your attention that you begin to realise the true 'age' of our faith and to feel, within one's soul, a gentle but ancient stirring. The deep, but light touch, of all those souls, living and dead, who make up the Communion of Saints.

I finish off, once more, with the words of St Josemaria Escriva from his work, The Forge:
You must love, venerate, pray and mortify yourself for the Pope, and do so with greater affection each day. He is the foundation stone of the Church and, throughout the centuries, right to the end of time, he carries out among men that task of sanctifying and governing which Jesus entrusted to Peter.
Hi Fiona,
Just saw the notice about your blog. Welcome from the USA!
Prima (Pope Papa USA)
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